8 Time Management Strategies for College Students

Do you ever feel like there are not enough hours in a single day for you to be able to do all the things you have to do? If so, you’re not the only one.

Obviously, everyone has the same amount of time available each day. If you are going to college, you surely noticed that some of your fellow students manage to be productive, while others seem to live chaotic lives. The difference is that some students know how to manage their time, while others don’t.

If you feel like you never have enough time to achieve anything productive, take a moment to read these eight time management strategies for college students:

Strategy #1: Try not to hit snooze

When your alarm goes off in the morning, what do you do? Do you get up, or do you hit snooze and go back to sleep?

Even if you enjoy sleeping in, it’s simply not the best way to start your day if you want to become more productive. Instead of staying in bed, get up, get some coffee and a nutritious breakfast, and get ready for whatever is waiting for you.

Of course, getting up early is easier if you managed to get enough sleep.

Strategy #2: Use a planner to write down the things you have to do

Using a planner is an effective time management strategy for college students. If you don’t already use a planner, you should start using one. It can be a paper agenda, an online planner, or a calendar app on your phone. If you want to use your phone as a planner, though, make sure you don’t simply end up wasting your time on social media or playing some games.

In your planner, start by writing down the tasks you have to do for the month. Then, write down your group projects, essays, exams, and appointments for each week, so you will know what to focus on day after day.

Strategy #3: Make a to-do list for each day

Some people like to plan out the next day before they go to bed, while others prefer planning each day in the morning. Whatever you prefer, you really should make a to-do list for each day.

Write down the most important tasks for the day, but also the ones that are less important, but still deserve your attention. If you have large projects for the week or for the month, you can break them down into smaller tasks that will be easier to add to your to-do list.

As you cross off each item on your list, you will feel proud of yourself, which will give you the momentum you need to keep going.

Strategy #4: Don’t forget to exercise and relax

When you have a lot of things to do, you might choose to skip your workout, or to work all day without taking a few minutes to relax. It might seem like a good idea, but the truth is that taking a moment to exercise or to do something that helps relieve your stress will help you recharge your energy.

If you are a student living in luxury suites, you’ll have access to a wide range of exercise equipment and recreational facilities at your doorstep. Include at least one fun activity as part of time management strategy. This way, you can keep going with your day and accomplish more, more easily.

Strategy #5: Keep in mind what works for you and what doesn’t

It’s easier to establish some sort of daily routine when you have a good idea of what works well for you, and what doesn’t. Knowing yourself will help you make the most of your time.

For example, if you know you are more productive in the evening, schedule your most important work and study tasks in the evening, instead of in the morning. You might not be able to manage your class schedule, but how you use your time when you are not attending classes is up to you.

Strategy #6: Make advantage of all the time you have

Just because you only have 15 minutes before your next class starts doesn’t mean you can’t do anything productive and should just play a game on your phone instead.

A few minutes might be exactly what you need to finish writing an essay, or to complete a small part of your homework.

Keep in mind that small pockets of time will add up and really make a difference, so you should make advantage of them.

Strategy #7: Forget about multitasking

Multitasking might seem like a great way to get many things done, quickly. The truth is that most of us are simply unable to multitask efficiently, and should just forget about it.

When we divide our attention between different projects or tasks, it becomes more difficult for us to accomplish even the most simple ones.

Focusing on one thing ensures us that we will be fully attentive and a lot more efficient, which might make it possible for us to work much faster than if we were trying to do two or three things at the same time.

Strategy #8: Reward yourself at the end of each week

At the end of a long week, don’t forget to reward yourself for working hard and staying focused on your different tasks.

Party with your friends, order your favourite meal, go on a small adventure exploring your city, or simply relax and watch a good movie. You’ve earned it!

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